Doing Mindset Work Fucked Me Up

Doing Mindset Work Fucked Me Up

What I’ve learned over the years around how to grow an online empire that makes multiple 6-figures each year and growing, impacting thousands around the world, is that it’s not all about strategy.

Strategy is a huge part of it, of course - you’ve gotta have plans and things you put in to place to make the money floooow and also to get your name out there in a bigger way! - but mindset is also a big, huge, MASSIVE piece.

The both of them must work TOGETHER to create success.

You can create success from mindset alone and you can create success from strategy alone (talking about financial and visibility success in this case), but they will require A LOT of work on your end. You will constantly be glued to your phone and laptop and you will always have to be “on”.

Sticking to one or the other will involve a ton of time and energy, but also a lot of stress, overwhelm, and for many people - fear.

When I first started in the coaching inustry back in 2015, I focused on strategy alone. I thought that “mindset stuff is weird” so I didn’t do it for months. Eventually, once I felt like I was gonna die from how anxious, stressed out, and exhausted I felt, I figured I’d give the mindset stuff a try.. my coach had been encouraging me and telling me that it would help.

So I added some mindset work into my routine (at this point it was just journaling).

And it worked. It worked AMAZINGLY well. My mindset improved, I became more productive, and things felt so much easier.

Mindset work then became my #1 focus. I added in meditation, affirmations, visualization, and mantras. It felt like magic, and I treated it as such. So much so, that at one point I barely did ANY other work except my mindset work.

I hired another coach who spoke a lot about mindset. I thought I’d found some secret success society - a group of people who knew THE SECRET. (And then I found THE SECRET - the movie - and again, became even more infatuated with mindset work and the Law of Attraction.)

After about a year or so of focusing mostly on mindset and learning about the Law of Attraction, my income tanked.

I mean, it dropped down so damn low that I had to borrow money from MY CREDIT CARD to pay for my expenses. I ended up sinking into depression, and almost lost everything (my marriage included). It was a tough time.. this lasted for about 8-10 months.


Why? Because I didn’t ALSO continue to DO THE DAMN WORK. The actionable stuff. The things that would bring MONEY and visibility and impact into my world.

One day, I’m not exactly sure why or what triggered it, but I got the overwhelming urge to get back into HUSTLE MODE. I’d let that side of me sleep for awhile and was so focused on EASE that I became lazy and didn’t do much of anything most days except sit around and read and watch videos about Law of Attraction.

I started planning things again.

I started strategizing.

I started doing big brainstorming sessions (and taking action on everything!).

And.. ​​​​​​​

I STARTED MAKING MONEY AGAIN. A lot of money. $30K, $50K, $70K months!

It felt so GOOD to be back in that hustle flow. And the funny thing is - the hustle felt EASY, when before it felt so tedious and I resisted it.

I’ve always loved the hustle, even back when I was a little girl, so me not enjoying it anymore was a sign - which I later realized was because I didn’t enjoy the hustle I was doing.


From there, I devised a plan:

Mindset Work AND Strategy, together.

Both of them work, but they work EVEN BETTER when you combine them!