Massive Wealth & Freedom: This Is How It’s Done

Massive Wealth & Freedom: This Is How It’s Done

The one thing I am reminded of time and time again as I build this here EMPIRE, is that I will be frequently misunderstood.

Do you ever feel that way? That it’s almost impossible for most people to GET you and why you do what you do?

The truth of the matter is this:

People that aren’t like us, don’t understand people like us!

We are just so VASTLY different. We’re in 2 different worlds! The life of an entrepreneur on a mission compared to the life of a “regular” person is so shockingly different that it’d be crazy to expect one to understand the other.

And yet I’m still sometimes confused and slightly irritated when a “regular” person doesn’t understand me. LOL!

I don’t understand non-entrepreneurs just like non-entrepreneurs don’t understand me. We’re alien to each other!

And this is exactly why I don’t ever try to explain myself - just in general, really, but definitely not to people who weren’t born with that entrepreneur drive –

And YES, I believe you’re BORN an entrepreneur (or not). I don’t believe you can BECOME one.

You either are one or you aren’t, and this is decided before you take your first breath!

It is what it is. 

Anyway –

One of the problems I see people experiencing quite a lot is trying to explain themselves to people who aren’t like them and not feeling understood.

Their partners, their parents, their friends, moms at the school playfround…

Your job is not to explain who you are. Your job is to BE who you are - and by being who you are, you attract into your life the people who GET you.

Any time you find yourself with someone in your life that doesn’t get you, you’ve likely done something that wasn’t really you - meaning you acted in a way that wasn’t in alignment with who you are on a soul level.

This then attracted in people who are not gonna get you.

And yes, okay fine, you will almost definitely have a few people in your life that you didn’t choose (relatives, for example!), and to that I still say –

It’s not your job to explain who you are. It’s your job to BE who you are.

Unapologetically. All of the time.

If people don’t “get” you, or they don’t like who you are or what you do, then fuck ’em. They ain’t ‘yo people!

Here’s a hard truth to digest:

You need to be okay with letting people go from your life that aren’t meant to be in it.

How do you know if they aren’t meant to be in it? You feel it in your gut, first and foremost. But also, they make you feel badly about yourself and/or your lifestyle. They criticise you every chance they get. They belittle you. They don’t support you.

Any of those things is a sign that someone is a bad fit, and you need to allow them to leave from your life (maybe temporarily in some cases; or maybe forever - your soul will tell you).

The amazing thing that happens when you just decided to show up and be unapologetically YOU, 100% of the time is that you find yourself surrounded by the RIGHT people.

People who support you.
People who encourage you.
People who inspire you.
People who motivate you.
People who hold you accountable.
People who love you for you.
People who bring you joy.

These are the people you want in your life.

This is how you life a life of abundance, of freedom, of joy, of LOVE.

When I finally gave myself permission to let go of the people in my life that weren’t meant to be there, something incredible happened:

Yes, some people left and I never heard from them again. But also, this:

People rose to meet ME where I was!

I had a few family members and friends that actually stopped doing the shit I hated (gossiping, complaining about their life, being generally negative overall).

I didn’t have to say anything.

All I did was make the decision that the wrong people who disappear and the right people would show up.

I didn’t take into consideration that some of those people would actually CHANGE - and meet me where I am. 

Just goes to show that when you show the universe who you are and you’re firm in what you’re available for (and what you’re NOT available for), things will shift for you.

You always, always, ALWAYS get what you think is possible.

So if you’re thinking that it’s impossible for people to change or that it’s impossible for people to take you seriously or that it’s possible to get paid just to EXIST, well then –

That will be your experience.


If you believe that it’s possible to be surrounded by amazing, supportive people, possible to make as much money as you want by doing what you love, possible to feel understood, then YES –

THAT will be your experience.

Everything you want in life –

Every single thing, big or small –

Is possible for you. That’s the first thing you need to recognize. The other thing is that, while everything you desire is possible for you, you won’t get it.


UNLESS you do what is required.

Which is, in no particular order, THIS –

>> Commit to your desires.

Do what is necessary to make them happen - whatever is necessary.

This includes making decisions on what to do with your time, your money, your energy, that will lead you to actualizing your desires.



Because you get so in your damn head about it. Worried about whether or not it will “work”, or if it’s the “right” thing to do, or what others will think if you do it, or whether or not it’s the responsible thing to do or if you’re being batshit crazy.

(Side note: Every entrepreneur has at least a lil’ bit of CRAZY in ’em. Own it.)

No matter how insane you appear to others (and possibly even yourself!), you need to constantly commit to your desire and you need to fucking BACK YOURSELF.

Do what is required. Over and over. Day after day. Until one day you wake up and realize that YOU DID IT. You’re living the life of your damn dreams!

>> INVEST immediately. WELL before you ever feel “ready”.

Here’s a tip: You will never feel ready.

Investing in support in your business & life will always feel scary. Especially as you elevate and scale the level of money & experiences & support you want to create in your life.



The trick is to leap anyway. Despite the fear. Once you leap, the fear starts to disappear. And you’re one step closer to attracting into your life what you want.

I invested in my business from DAY ONE.

I was terrified. People warned me it was a scam or that it was “too good to be true” (what my potential coach was promising me). Family begged me not to do it. They were scared for me.


I didn’t know if it would work. I didn’t know if this person could actually help me.

But the reason I said yes, and put that money on a credit card, was because I felt it in my soul that this was a HELL YES.

I didn’t know how it would work itself out, but I knew that if I didn’t put the damn faith in MYSELF to figure it out, I’d never get anywhere.

Thanks, Visa, for always being there for me! 

>> Do the daily hustle dance and kick your ass into submission.

No, you can’t sit on your ass all day, sipping margaritas on a beach, and collect cash.

Not gonna happen. I mean, not yet at least. That can totally be your reality if you so choose (but maybe with vodka & soda instead because SUGAR IS BAD, YO),

But! You gotta WERK IT first, my friend, and I know you don’t wanna hear that, but I’m not gonna bullshit you.

There are many coaches out there who tell you that the key to success is joy and fun and flow and that all you need to do to be successful and make MONEY is to do things that bring you joy, and that are fun and feel flow-y.

And while, yes, that HELPS, you also need to put in some good old-fashioned WORK.

Meaning, of course: Ass in the chair, doing the things.

This is what’s required. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. You HAVE TO do this.

The good news, though, is that if you’re doing work that you love, the work can (and should!) bring you joy, and feel like flow & fun!

But the work itself, is a requirement, mmkay?




Is possible for you. You CAN have it all. And you don’t have to wait. Waiting is for the normals, the “regular” people. Not us!

Believe in yourself. Take massive action. YOU CAN DO THIS. You WILL do this.