Are you guilty of not taking your own advice?

Are you guilty of not taking your own advice?

How many times are you going to say you’re gonna do something and then back out? 

How many times are you going to let another helpful opportunity pass you by?

How many times are you going to take the easy route, the cheapest route, the safest route – 

Instead of going all in and taking the route that gets you what you want FASTER?

Aren’t you sick and tired of the roller coaster ride you’ve been on for ages now? Are you ready for some stability, some security, and less FEAR about what’s gonna happen next? 

The uncertainty can be debilitating, can’t it? 

I think one of the biggest mistakes I made with ALL of my businesses in the past is that I did things WAY slower than I had to. I would try to figure everything out on my own. I didn’t want help, I was way too much of a perfectionist to have someone else doing something for me, and I was way too cheap to hire someone to support me. 

I did it all myself. Even the stuff I wasn’t good at, which is why it took me FOREVER to get results. 

In my last business, it took me 6 years to hit $100,000/year in revenue. 

In my current business, it took me about 6 MONTHS. 

Why such a drastic difference?

Because in my last business, I was so caught up on saving money and doing everything myself, thinking I HAD to know how to do certain things, that I wasted YEARS doing everything on my own, learning each and every thing as I went, instead of hiring the best people for the job (meaning: not me!) – 

And in THIS business, I hired support IMMEDIATELY. The minute I decided to get into coaching, after many years of people asking me to teach them how to make money online, I hired a coach. Did I have the money? No. But I did have a credit card. 🙂 

And I knew that, because this was an industry I wasn’t completely familiar with, I needed someone in my corner who had once been in my shoes and who had the results I was looking to have myself. 

I had to decide: 

Did I want to spend another 6 years trying to make my next $100,000 or did I want to fast-track that success? 

It was an easy decision. 

I didn’t stop there, either. Eventually I hired an assistant, someone to help me with the tech side of things, as well as management of my contacts, and more, a web designer, mindset coaching, sales coaching, events and seminars, photographers, and made so many other investments that I knew would help me in my business. 

I told myself over and over every day that I was a VIP and that VIPs had support. VIPs made large investments in themselves. VIPs were fucking VIPs! 

And I still do that today. I still act as though I am a VIP because I AM a VIP. 

I take my own advice. I follow my own rules. I don’t back down, no matter how scary something seems.

I used to be guilty of not taking my own advice, especially when it came to my last business. I would tell my community to do one thing (the thing I knew was NECESSARY to get the result they wanted), but wouldn’t do that one thing myself (mostly because I was lazy and didn’t “feel like it”).

Which is probably why it took me 6 freakin’ years to do what should have taken me only MONTHS.

Are you guilty of not taking your own advice? 

Do you tell your community, your clients, your customers, to do one thing, while you go and do the total opposite, even though you know that doing that one thing will benefit you? 

If so, then it’s time for you to make a decision: 

Do you really want what you say you want? 

Do you really feel that pull inside of you, that fire, that DRIVE, to make it happen? 

Do you really know deep within your soul that this was meant for you?

If you answered yes to even one of those questions, then it’s time to get out of your own way and start doing what you know you need to do to have the success that you really want. In other words: It’s time to start taking your own advice.