If it scares the shit out of you, you definitely need to do it!

If it scares the shit out of you, you definitely need to do it!

It’s amazing how those moments in life that ended up being the BEST times are the ones that we were somewhat resistant to get involved with in the first place, due to fear. 

I always find it funny how the things that have the biggest impact on my life, are the biggest deal, give me the greatest impact and joy, are the things that at one point scared the living crap out of me.

Like that time I jumped into the lake without knowing how to swim and trusting I would “figure it out” (I didn’t, but it was still fun - so much so that I ended up doing it all week long).

Like that time I put $6,000 on a credit card, $6,000 that I didn’t actually have, and trusted a complete stranger to help me get my coaching business off the ground.

Like that time I bought my first house and put 20% down, when the average down-payment was only 5%.

Like that time I hired my incredible assistant and trusted her with my information, my money, my company, and trusted that she had the best intentions.

Like that time I hosted my very first in-person event and felt like I was going to puke all day long due to nerves.

Like that time I launched my $30,000 mentorship program (and then immediately signed on a new client with ease).

Like that time I invested over $20,000 in a new coach without knowing much about her, just trusting my gut that she was “the one”.

All of those scary moments ended up being the BEST moments in my life. 

Do you want to know why?

Because I trusted my gut. My head told me it was scary. My head told me it was risky. My head told me it was something to think about first - take some time, get “clear”, weigh the pros and cons… but my gut? My gut was like: YOU NEED TO DO THIS AND YOU NEED TO DO IT NOW.

In all of the situations I shared above, I decided to trust my gut. I almost always trust my gut because my gut is ALWAYS right! 

And one thing I’ve learned from all of those situations? I’ve learned that the scarier something is, the more you need to do it

What are you scared of right now?
What are you running from?
What are you telling yourself you can’t have, not yet?
What are you trying to “figure out first”?
What are you “thinking about”?

STOP thinking. 

STOP trying to figure it out. 

STOP running, damn it, and just say YES.

Say yes to the fear. 
Say yes to the uncertainty.
Say yes to the underlying excitment
Say yes to your gut! 

Whether it’s a new partner, a big investment you’re considering, a trip you want to take, a new business opportunity – 

If you are feeling scared shitless, take that as your sign to DO IT. Say YES.

Pull the trigger. 

If you don’t take action on it NOW, you likely never will, let’s just be honest! Your fears will win and they will continue to win until you break the pattern and start saying YES when your fears come up and try to persuade you into saying no. 

One big thing I noticed from the clients that I work with is that they just do things that straight up scare the crap out of them. They don’t run from fear, they run TOWARDS it. 

One client launched a podcast even though she was scared that no one would listen (she’s had over 10,000 downloads in just under 3 months)
One client tripled her prices even though she was scared no one would pay them (she is now completely booked until August)
One client decided to host an in-person retreat even though she was scared that no one would sign up (she filled all 6 spots in just 8 days)
One client decided to completely change her business plan even though she was scared her new one wouldn’t work (she’s back to making the same income as she was just 4 months ago, and that income continues to grow each month)
One client started selling every day even though she was scared that people wouldn’t buy and would think she was being annoying (she now makes an average of $800-$1,000 every day!)

All of these women were terrified that what they really wanted to do would backfire. 

They were scared that the fear would win.

But they all looked fear in the face and did the scary thing anyway. 

And they ALL came out on top because of that willingness to do what they were at first afraid of

In life you will have many easy “HELL NO” decisions. They will be easy.

You will also have many “HELL YES” decisions. They will be easy, too.

And in addition to those decisions, there will be many things in life that scare the crap out of you. Those are other decisions you need to make, and THOSE decisions? Those are the ones that could quite honestly change your life for the better – 

If you’ve got the guts to say YES of course. 🙂 

Tell me – 

What have you been holding back on out of fear? 
What do you KNOW you need to say yes to but have been coming up with excuses not to?
What are you really afraid of commiting to, even though you know it’s the right decision?

Those things?

Those fears?


Because that yes is going to change everything for you. Right now. Tomorrow. And every day then on.