Every morning my aim is to wake before the world does. 4am is my favorite time of day. The silence and the stillness ease me into my day. It is the most powerful part of my day - the time when I’m the most creative, the most in flow and in the ZONE.
It’s also when I have zero distractions because everyone else is still sleeping.
I don’t always get up at at 4am, especially in the summer when I’m often in bed a lot later than usual - but this is my goal time.
People who say they “don’t have time” to do the important things in the business (and life!) confuse the fuck out of me. The time is always there - you have the same amount of time as anyone else here on good ol’ Planet Earth.
The only reason some people get more done and are more “successful” than you is because they learned to master their time.
They made the decision to rule time instead of allowing time to rule them.
One thing you will never hear me say is “I don’t have time” because there’s always enough time to do the things that are important to you.
If you feel as though you’re fresh outta time, take a look at what you’re currently spending your time on - I’m willing to bet there’s a bunch of shit you’re doing that you don’t actually need to be spending time on.
Let me fill you on something –
You have MORE than enough time.
Time to do what you want.
Time to experience what you want.
Time to travel when you want.
Time to learn what you want.
Time to implement what you learn.
And at the same time…
Meaning –
Every single second you waste on shit that isn’t important, is a second you’re missing out on to create the life and business you want to have.
Once the sun goes down at night, the day is over. You can’t go back. That day is gone.
And the most important question you need to answer for yourself at that time is this:
“Did I do the things that are most important?”
The only way you can confidently lie your head down on the pillow at night and feel GOOD is if you spent your day doing the important work.
For me, this means that I:
- Spoke from my heart an connected with my tribe
- Created multiple pieces of valuable content (unleashing what’s in my soul)
- Sold programs/products/courses that I know will serve others
- Programmed my mind for success, flow, abundance
- Did my daily journaling
- Spent quality time with loved ones
- Spent quality time with myself
- Moved my body & ate well
Your list may look similar or it may look different. “Important Work” is a personal thing. What is important to you? Spend your day on activities that feed into those important things.
You have permission to do the things that are important to you.
In fact, it’s NECESSARY to do these things.
I consider it SELFISH to NOT do these things. Why? Because if you don’t first do the things that feed your soul and make you feel GOOD, you’re of no use to anyone around you.
I don’t know about you, but I find myself to be a raging bitch if I don’t first take care of my and my priority/important things. Family and friends know to leave me alone when I’ve got my headphones on and journal or laptop open. DO NOT DISTURB.
(And good luck to you if you choose to inturrupt this flow.)
No matter what you’ve got going on in your life, don’t ever believe the LIE that you don’t have time to do the things that are important to you.
Sure, you may have times when you have to do things that you don’t want to do - shit happens! - but this should not affect your ability to spend your time on the things that matter most, in addition.
Even 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there, over time, can contribute to massive progress and accomplishments in your life. This isn’t really about the amount of time you spend on these things - it’s moreso about the amount of commitment you put behind them.
Do you commit to living your best life?
Do you commit to taking care of yourself and your mood/vibe?
Do you commit to going after what you want?
Do you commit to achieving ______?
Then prove it.
Show up every day and prove that commitment by spending time on these things. Even if it’s just a short amount of time. What matters is that TIME IS GIVEN FOR WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT - every single day. No excuses.
This will allow you to move forward, even if just a little bit each day, closer and closer to whatever goal it is that you’re chasing.
You always get to have what you want, no matter what it is. No matter how far away it may feel. No matter how scared you are of taking the timeto make it happen.
You are worthy.
You are worthy.
You are worthy.
It’s time to give yourself the time to live the life you want to be living. EVERY SECOND MATTERS.
What are you commiting to now?