The Secret To Making Money That Nobody Is Talking About

The Secret To Making Money That Nobody Is Talking About

If there’s one thing I wish I’d learned sooner in life, it’s that there is a very simple way to making more money.

It’s actually one of the most ridiculously simple things ever, yet most people avoid it.

There is a SECRET to making more money.

I say it’s a secret because NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT.

But it’s going to save you so much headache & frustration, and it will, 100% of the time, increase the amount of money you receive in your business.

Wanna know what it is?

The SECRET to making more money is this:

Stop selling to broke people!

Stop trying to CONVINCE people to buy from you. If you have to convince them, they either aren’t the right fit, or they can’t afford you. Convincing doesn’t lead to sales. Convincing leads to irritation (from them and from you because they rarely ever say YES!).

Stop even ALLOWING broke people to have a chance at your offers. I had a woman message me about Rich Bitch Empire yesterday, a program that is only $297 to join (with a 3 month payment plan, too!), and she asked me if I could make her a 12 month payment plan because she couldn’t afford the 3 month plan I had in place.

Uh, no. Get your finances sorted first, then come back and let me know you’re ready to commit. If you can’t afford the cost of a program, or you’re not willing to put it on a credit card, or pay for it in another way, then it’s not for you. I’m not for you. I choose to work with people who are committed to doing whatever the fuck it takes to make their dreams a reality.

I don’t allow broke people to join my programs. I don’t work with broke people. Why? Because BROKE PEOPLE DON’T HAVE MONEY.

I’m sure this will have me getting hate mail, but for fuck’s sake - your business is NOT a charity. It’s a business. It needs to make MONEY. Otherwise, it ain’t a business, it’s a hobby. A hobby that’s gonna end with YOU being just as broke as everyone else.

I’m all for helping others, doing giveaways, and I do this… EVERY DAY.

Over the past 4+ years, I’ve done hundreds of posts, videos, trainings, freebies, livestreams, etc. I give a lot of stuff away for free every single day. I do this because I WANT TO, because it feels good to me.

But I also MAKE MONEY every day. I make money every day because I SELL every day.

I sell every day because my business needs to make money in order to survive. In order for me to continue to show up, create and share all that I do, I need to make money to care for my basic expenses, my mentorships & trainings so that I can learn more and help and serve you more and in a bigger way.

Which means –

I can’t afford to work with broke people.

And neither can you.

Trying to convince a broke person to hire you or to buy your stuff is a frustrating waste of time for both parties!

If you really want to make money - and I mean REALLY make money - incredible amounts of money and massive wealth - you need to focus on selling to people with money. They don’t need to be “rich” by any means, but they need to have the means to pay you for your time.

Focus on selling to people who have money and you will make more money.

This is the key to your financial success.

It will change everything.