Not sure what your title should be or what you should call yourself?

Not sure what your title should be or what you should call yourself?
Stop trying to figure out what to call yourself.
Stop trying to decide on the perfect title to go by. No one cares if you’re a coach, a consultant, a fucking EXPERT. 
No one gives a shit about that. All they care about is how you can help them and whether or not they resonate with YOU.
That means that you don’t get to choose your title. Your people choose your title. They call you what they believe you are.
That shit shouldn’t matter to you. Your title? It’s pointless. 
Focus on spreading your message. Getting it out into the world. 
Being open.
That is ALL THAT MATTERS. Once you get your message out there you start attracting people that love YOU. Once they love YOU, they become crazy rabid fans that hang on to every single word you say. 
They know you are the “expert”. They know you are THE ONE and ONLY person that can get them where they want to go.
They don’t care if you call yourself a coach. Consultant. Expert. Strategist. They care that you speak your truth, tell it like it is, and give them the information they need to do what they want to do.
So stop wasting your time trying to figure out what call yourself. IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER.
Here’s what you do instead:
Be you. Show up every damn day. Give your best stuff. 
That’s all. 
Your title means nothing. It’s a “nice to have”, not a necessity. Because people don’t look at your title. Ever. They look at what you’ve done for other people. For yourself. 
They read the words you write and watch you live. Your words resonate with them. They start to like you, then love you, then they’re HEAD OVER HEELS OBSESSED with you.
THAT is how you create a community of raving fans. THAT is how you grow your fucking business. 
Throw your title out the window and just BE YOU.