When You Don’t Know What To Say, And Everyone Keeps Telling You To Show Up Every Day

When You Don’t Know What To Say, And Everyone Keeps Telling You To Show Up Every Day

I think it’s pretty obvious that I post a lot.

I am here every single freakin’ day saying something.

I send daily emails. I write daily Facebook posts. I am on Snapchat and Instagram and Twitter almost daily, too.

And there are 2 questions I am regularly asked about this activity of mine:

#1: WHY??!

I think the real question is “why not?”.

In all honesty, though, the reason I create and show up and share every single day (usually multiple times each day) is because I simply can’t not. I have something to say, and so I have to say it. If I don’t let it out, it will consume me. And I like to be free. 

In reality, the more you are visible, the more content you create, the more people hear from you

The more your business grows. The more you are remembered. The more people you are followed by. The more people you impact. The more money you make.

For me, I can’t just hang out on social media every day and watch everyone else live their life. I have to live MINE too, and when I do, I share it! Mostly because I’m an egotistical show-off (no shame), but also because people ASK TO SEE IT.

I’m going to ask you a serious question, okay?

The people that you follow online: Why do you follow them? How do you feel when you see new content available from them, whether it’s a new program, a new freebie, or even a new, 2-sentence Facebook post?

I’m willing to bet that you follow them because they are either inspiring or interesting (or both!), and because you are pretty much emotionally invested in their life (this is not something you will likely admit, but it’s true, so let’s just go with it - you wouldn’t care to read or watch something someone created if you didn’t give a shit about them).

It’s why reality TV does so well. We LOVE to look in on other peoples’ lives and eventually, we become invested in their lives, and even start talking about these people with our “regular” friends, as if they’re personal friends of ours, too!

We have created an emotional bond to that reality TV star/couple/family.

So WHY do I post and speak and create every single day, other than because I would go crazy if I didn’t? Because I know that other people are waiting for me to say something.

In fact, I get messages or emails from people every single day that I DON’T show up (say, if I don’t have internet access or something crazy), asking if I’m okay. Which probably makes me sound super fucking vain, but that’s just the truth.

The people that follow you feel the same: They want to hear from you every single day.

They follow you for a reason and that reason is that either a) they hate you and want to see you fail (about 1% of the people that follow you) or b) they love you/find you interesting/are inspired by you/etc. and want to learn from you (about 99% of the people that follow you). Focus on that 99% and give them what they want: YOU!

#2: HOW??!

Or “How do you create so much content every day?”

Or “How do you always have something to say?”

Or “Don’t you ever run out of ideas?”

Or …

You get the idea.

Basically - “How the hell do you create so much all day, every day?” and “Don’t you ever sleep?”

To which I say this –

Creating content is easy because content is ALWAYS around you, you just need to recognize it and then act on it when you do.

In other words: Your LIFE is content. Everything you do, speak, see, think, are triggered by, believe, is content. The problem is that you aren’t treating it as such. You are treating these things as thoughts and feelings. You aren’t treating them as THINGS TO SAY OUT LOUD.

Once you do that, creating content becomes really freakin’ easy and it becomes nearly impossible to not know what to say.

There is ALWAYS something to say. Any time you feel like you don’t have anything to say, this is usually what is ACTUALLY going on:

You’re avoiding saying something

You don’t think people will care about what you’re considering saying

You feel like a fraud even thinking about saying what is on your mind

You don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or offend them, so you say nothing

You’re trying to come up with “ideas” about what to say, instead of just saying what’s within

Most of the content you see online right now is complete crap and total fluff. It has no substance. The person wrote it because they thought it would get them attention, or likes, or click-thrus, or sales, or what-freakin’-ever.

And this content is often VERY noticable because when you read it, you can’t pick up on any type of substance or passion. It’s just “here’s how to do X, so you can achieve Y”.


What people really want from you, believe it or not, is YOU.

They want to know your thoughts.
They want to know how you feel about things. 
They want to know what your beliefs are. 
They want to know what’s going on in your life (yes, even the seemingly small and mundane things).
They want to know what you’re doing RIGHT NOW (I’m drinking coffee, writing this post, stretching, and yelling at the cat to stop meowing so loud, in case you were wondering).

So the next time you think to yourself that you “don’t know what to say”, go inside of your soul and ask:

“What do I need to say?”
“What does my audience need to hear right now?”
“What do I need to get off my chest?”

One of my favourite ways to create content is to speak on what triggers me, right WHEN it triggers me (triggers me in a good way or a bad way).

Like yesterday, when I had a 15 minute conversation with a bunny in my backyard (honestly) and then immediately wrote about it on Facebook (took me less than 5 minutes to write the post).

I was triggered by how amazing it is to live in a home where there are bunnies in the backyard.

I shared that.

It had nothing to do with business, which is what I’m about, and what I mentor my clients on.

But you know what? People resonated with that post. They shared stories of their own bunny encounters. It brought me closer to those people.

A simple little insignificant (yet NOT) post about a bunny.

That’s content. 
YOU are content. 
What’s in your head, your heart, your SOUL is content.

And the only way for content creation to be easy and fun and take VERY little time, is to let that stuff out.

Share it ALL. We want to know it. We want to know YOU.