When Your Life Expands, Your Circle Will Shrink (And Other Truths About Success)

When Your Life Expands, Your Circle Will Shrink (And Other Truths About Success)

There are many things that will change when you get closer and closer to massive success in your business and life.

This is often the moment when people freak out, back away from that oncoming success, and change up their game –

Because most people are terrified of change. Maybe you, too?

But change is a part of the process. How can you expect to elevate your life, make more money, have more amazing experiences, and be in a high-vibe flow all of the time, if you’re staying in the same place, refusing to change?

Change is required.

If this freaks you out, you’re not going to experience a high level of success.

Entrepreneurship is the roller coaster of a lifetime and it’s a roller coaster you NEVER GET OFF. It just continues to change course and freak you out repeatedly as you go over yet another steep hill and scream wildly on your way down.

That means that change is scary (if you didn’t already know, ha!).

One thing I’ve had to come to accept on the path to freedom and abundance (my main life intentions), is that the more successful I become, the less friends I have, and as your successes start to pile up, you’ll likely notice the same.

Your current friends will complain that “you’ve changed” (yeah, no shit - that was intentional!) or that you act as though you’re “too good” for them or that they just don’t “get” you. And they will start to fall away.

Not because you’re not a good friend or even that THEY aren’t a good friend –

But because you just aren’t compatible anymore and so the universe is stepping in and causing conflict to show you (or them) that you need to go your own separate ways.

I’ve always been pretty anti-social and never had many friends - by choice! - but as my life started to improve, I found that my circle got smaller and smaller and smaller. The number of really close friends I have now, well, let’s just say I don’t even need a full hand to count ’em up!

I have A LOT of friends - but close friends? Those I can talk to about anything and be super vulnerable with? Those who’s kids I’d look after if they asked me, and who I’d visit in the hospital if they somehow ended up in there?

Not many.

This is a truth for many entrepreneurs. As your life expands and your business and lifestyle get better and better, your circle of friends starts to shrink.

A few other truths about success –

You will spend the majority of your life ON. Meaning, you can’t turn your brain off. You’re always thinking, dreaming, scheming, planning, brainstorming. Your next successful idea is just another thought away. So those thoughts? They’re always on. You probably have trouble sleeping because of this.

The line between life and business is irrevocably blurred forevermore! There is no such thing as work/life balance. Work is life and life is work and that’s all there is.

You don’t “go on vacation”, you just work from different locations.

Most people can’t keep up with you. You likely feel as though you always have to drag people behind you to keep up. My advice? Ditch the dead weight whenever possible. It’s very rarely worth the effort.

Surprise, surprise, but the more successful you are financially, the more money you will pay in taxes. CELEBRATE THIS. You’re contributing to the betterment of where you live. Thank you for that opportunity! Also, the more you pay in taxes? The more money you’re making. Seems like a good thing to me. 

It often feels like no one understands you and that you’re on your own. You’re not. You just haven’t found your people yet. Us crazy ambitious people like you are out there. Don’t stop until you find your people.

The more successful you are, the more obstacles you tend to encounter. You know the saying “more money, more problems”? That ain’t exactly a lie. Good news though! Money has a way of solving a lot of those problems for you. So there’s that. 


However you see it –

Will change your life in massive ways. So long as the success you’re chasing is the success that is actually in alignment with your soul.

What do you REALLY want?

How do you REALLY want your life to look?

What kind of support do you REALLY want?

How much money do you REALLY want to make?

What do you REALLY want to be spending your time on?

What do you REALLY want your experiences to be?

How do you REALLY want to feel?

^^^ That, right there, is your success blueprint. LEAN ON THAT and refer back to the answers before you make any kind of decisions around anything in your biz/life (same/same!), and you’ll experience success in the most incredible ways.

Likely more incredible than you can even IMAGINE right now.