I can’t believe I used to do this with my money… *embarassed*

I can’t believe I used to do this with my money… *embarassed*

I’ve been thinking lately of how different my life is to back in 2015 when all I did was clip coupons, chase deals, and talk shit about rich people and how “unfair” it was that they had it so easy.

Turns out rich people don’t necessarily have it easy. It also turns out that most of them aren’t selfish jerks (not the ones I’ve met anyway).

Back when I was Canada’s Most Insane Coupon Clipper (meaning I always had a full ROOM in my house dedicated to my stockpile, and always went shopping with 2 binders packed full of coupons for dedorant, canned sauces, and mouthwash), I had this riduculous idea that in order to be “rich”, I had to save money.

I believed that saving money was the only way for me to increase my wealth and join those rich folks living the easy life.

And although I do believe that saving money is important, what’s more important is what I do with the money I’m not saving.

In other words, how you SPEND money is critical.

Over the past 3 years, I’ve discovered that I do a lot of spending to “show off”. I want to impress others. I would tell myself that I was “inspiring them” to make it seem okay, but it wasn’t okay.

I was buying things and doing things just because I knew those things would look good on Instagram. Or they’d boost my “credibility”. Or some other lame shit that doesn’t really matter.

I’ve spend hundreds of thousands of dollars paying for STUFF that I didn’t necessarily WANT to pay for. Stuff that I thought I HAD to pay for, in order to fit into the category of “successful entrepreneur”.

Without even realizing it, I had fallen into the trap of putting myself into a box.

I was no longer saying YES to me, I was saying YES to looking cool. Insanity!!

Thankfully I had some sense knocked into me (after denying that I was doing this for ages) and realized:


This is why, although it sucks in the moment, I love when I fuck things up. Because I learn something from that experience and become a stronger, more resiliant, more SUCCESSFUL, and more HAPPY person because of it.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in all of this is simply to stop saying YES to everything and everyone, and instead, start saying YES to me.

My FUCK YES LIFE isn’t gonna look like your FUCK YES LIFE. It’s not gonna look like anyone’s but my own. And that’s okay.

There is a huge power in saying YES to yourself and your desires, so long as they really are YOUR desires.

When you make a decision based on love for yourself, instead of based on fear or scarcity or lack, your life instantly improves.

When you say YES to the things you really desire, instead of trying to find a way to say NO, your life instantly improves.

When you make decisions based on what feels good, instead of what you think your decision SHOULD be, your life instantly improves.

It’s the power of YES. And it’s powerful indeed.

Say YES to people that make you feel like you can do anything.

Say YES to adventures that may feel scary, but mostly feel exciting.

Say YES to items that make you feel like a Queen.

Say YES to tasks and activities that make you feel alive.

Say YES to doing all that you desire to do, and know that you are worthy of it and that you are capable of doing it.

Say YES to books that catch your attention in the book store.

Say YES to programs and courses and events that make you feel excited.

Say YES to clients who you feel, in your gut, could become your next best friend.

Say YES to opportunities that give you all the feels when they present themselves (stop trying to talk yourself out of them).

Say YES to anything and anyone that sets your soul on fire.

It’s time to drop the bullshit, quit doing shit that makes you feel like crap, simply because you believe that you HAVE to (you don’t!), and start really, truly…

Saying YES to you.

You are worthy. You are enough. Yes, your time really is RIGHT NOW. No, you don’t have anything to lose. Trust your gut.

And also?

Don’t forget to consistently take action by following flow.

When things feel good, you’re in flow. When you’re in flow, is when you should be making decisions because you make them from a place of abundance and love, instead of a place from lack and fear.

Find your flow. Follow that flow. Say YES to what really lights you up. And change your freakin’ life.