What if you just ASKED for what you wanted?

What if you just ASKED for what you wanted?

I was journaling this morning about everything I’m grateful for right now and one thing I noticed was that almost every single thing on my list was something I asked for and then believed as being done.  I asked for $10K months.  I asked for my first client. I asked for a new home. I asked for my coveted Escalade. I asked for more entrepreneur friends. I asked for $30K months. I asked for passive income. I asked for a content manager. I asked for weight loss. I asked for $50K months. I asked for business-class (or better) travel. I ASKED for those things.  And I RECEIVED those things. Some straight away, some weeks or months after I started asking for them. But everything I created in my life started from the decision to just ASK for what I wanted. You can do the same in your life. Just start asking for (and then EXPECTING) what you want! The key, though, is to ask for what you want in a very specific manner. And have a REASON behind each ask. For example, let’s say what you want is a new home. First of all, what does that new home look like? How many bedrooms does it have? Where is it located? What is the view like? How big is the kitchen? GET SPECIFIC. And then –  WHY do you want that home? What is the meaning behind asking for it? If you don’t have a meaningful reason behind why you want something, you’re not going to receive it because there is no emotion behind it. No bigger purpose other than...