A Deep Immersion In Luxury And Extravagance

A Deep Immersion In Luxury And Extravagance

One of my favorite things to do, that ALWAYS gets me high-vibe and shifts my mindset into total abundance, is to watch YouTube videos where you get to peek inside a lavish home.

Often these homes are $10 million or more (I watched one today that was a $40 million dollar home).

This is not because I want to own a massive, lavish home that costs tens of millions of dollars. I’ve already lived in a massive home and discovered that I prefer to live in a smaller space. 

I watch these videos because it SHOWS abundance. It clearly displays what’s possible. If it’s possible for someone else, I know it’s possible for me.

And that makes me feel like I’m rich as FUCK. LOL! (And when you FEEL rich as fuck, you tend to attract opportunities that can MAKE YOU rich as fuck! 34 minutes after I watched this video clip, I received a payment notification for $1,200. yes, I timed it! haha)

EXPAND YOUR COMFORT ZONE - show yourself what is possible, and you’ll start becoming magnetized to those things.

Other things I do to expand my comfort zone –

** Fly/travel business class
** Visit the business class lounge at the airport
** Choose Uber Black when I need car service
** Work from cafes/lounges where I know the “rich people” work (favorite! the conversations you hear are so good. i always learn something)
** Stay in 5-star hotels
** Work from the lounge/bar in 5-star hotels
** Rent homes on the beach and work/play from there
** Hang out with people who make way more money than me
** Join programs/masterminds/events with people who make way more money than me

It’s so critically important to immerse yourself in environments of luxury and extravagance if you want to experience more abundance in your life.

Or you could hang out with broke people and work from your kitchen (that is boring and uninspiring) every day, I suppose! I guess it just depends on what kind of life you wanna have. 😉