A Note To The Wild Ones – The Rule-Breaking Rebels That Want It All, Right Now

A Note To The Wild Ones – The Rule-Breaking Rebels That Want It All, Right Now

Something that I’ve learned over the past 14+ years of running online business and earning millions of dollars is that business/life (same/same) is so much easier when it’s done YOUR way.

One of the most frustrating things about running a business –

Especially a business where you, quite honestly, get paid to simply show up on Facebook and talk about WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT –

Is that there will always be people who come to you, tell you that you’re doing it wrong, and can you pretty please - with a cherry on top - do it this way?

You know - for YOUR benefit, of course.


Being “professional”? Yeah… no thanks.

Wearing anything other than yoga pants (if pants are needed at all)? Not interested.

Doing webinars and 3-month launches? Fuck to the NOOOOOO THANKS.

All of the THINGS “they” tell you that you absolutely must do, otherwise OMG YOU’RE GONNA FAIL, is total and absolute bullshit.

The only thing you really, truly need to do in order to succeed is the thing (or THINGS) that set your soul on fire.

The things that make you feel most ALIVE. 
The things that get you all fired up and excited. 
The things that you happily up out of bed for every morning.

THAT is the shit you need to do.

You have one job - Show up every day, as you, unapologetically - and DO WHAT YOU FREAKIN’ WANT. The stuff you love. The stuff that’s easy. The stuff that makes you happy.

I mean, yeah, there are things you’ve gotta do if you want the money to roll in and keep on ROLLIN’, but these should be things you actually WANT to do because you’re doing them on your terms.

And that’s the key thing here:


What does that look like?

What kind of things are you doing each day that you do simply because you WANT to?

What kind of things are you doing because you think you’re SUPPOSED to?

Notice the difference when you identify these things? Some things feel amazing and some things make you feel icky and gross and like you wanna vomit and possibly hit someone.

So here’s your homework for today, and every day: STOP DOING SHIT YOU HATE.

If you don’t love it, don’t do it. Period. The end.

Don’t you remember why you started your business in the first place? You wanted that FREEDOM you saw others experiencing.

You want to have all of the time, money and flexibility in the world to do what you want and have what you want, any time you want.

You want to be able to show up for your kids, to be there for your partner, to support your parents, to give back to your community, to change lives with your work.

You want to make a difference.

You want to do big things.

You want to have an endless stream of money coming in, that just KEEPS ON COMING, so that you have endless CHOICE and OPPORTUNITY in your life.

And you don’t wanna have to do a stupid freakin’ webinar to make that your reality!

And you most DEFINITELY don’t wanna be glued to your laptop for 12+ hours a day!

And you ABSOLUTELY 100% are sick and tired of under-charging for your work and making next-to-nothing, while working your fucking ASS off!

You’re exhausted.

You’re frustrated.

And you KNOW in your soul that this isn’t how things are meant to be. You KNOW that you haven’t allowed yourself to fully step into that new, upgraded version of yourself.

The version of yourself where everything feels EASY.

Where everything feels FUN.

Where everything feels like “OMG IS THIS REAL LIFE?!” because it’s just THAT good.

The upgrade starts with you saying YES to your truest desires.

Saying YES to more money. 
Saying YES to more freedom & flexibility. 
Saying YES to endless opportunities. 
Saying YES to living the life of your freakin’ DREAMS, now.

You’re worthy of having what you desire.

And what you desire is also desiring YOU. Remember that. Say YES to what you know will allow you to bring all of your dreams to life.

You’re in control. You’re flying the damn plane. YOU get to call all of the shots.

Which means, of course, that the life you so desperately want? Is available to you the SECOND you decide to have it, and act accordingly.

Make no mistake:

If you continue to WAIT for things to become easy, for everything to fall into place for you, you’ll be waiting forever. The universe rewards action.

So I ask you: What action can you take today that will show the universe you are SERIOUS about upgrading your life, your money, your business… NOW?

And then? Go and do that thing. No more waiting.