Dear Entrepreneur…

Dear Entrepreneur…

You will be tested more times than you can possibly imagine as you’re building your business and creating your ideal dream life.

There will be many, MANY hardships you will have to endure.

Many lessons you MUST learn (and so, will have to stumble and fuck up a few times to learn ’em).

Quite a few sacrifices that you have no choice but to make.

You will have the majority of people in your life doubting you, warning you, trying to STOP you from doing what you wanna do - and many of these people, if not all, will be those closest to you. Parents. Siblings. Spouses. Children.

And if you’re strong enough, if you’re BRAVE enough, you’ll keep going, regardless.

You’ll work your damn ass off for weeks, for months, for years. There will be much frustration along the way. There will be quite a lot of “what the fuck am I doing?” thoughts running through your mind, and there will also be, of course, a big ol’ handful (or two) of failures.

You’ll be on top of the world one day, feeling all kinds of ambition and “I’ve got this!” and like you’re about to lose it all and living on the streets just 24 hours later.

People will criticise your work - especially that which you’re most proud of.

You will heard “no” from so many potential clients, you’ll eventually lose count.

You’ll be broke for a long time. (Not because it’s required, but because you haven’t yet learned how to stay in wealth mode consistently, and you’re too damn stubborn to get the help you need to learn this incredible skill.)

Eventually, things will start working. You’ll start making more money. You’ll stop encountering as many failures and roadblocks on your path. And just when you think you’ve got it all figured out –

You’re hit again.

Knocked down on your ass.

This is when most people lose their shit.

“Fuck this! It doesn’t work. I’m just not good at this.” Boo hoo. Woe is me.

An hour, two, maybe three later, and they’re back at it. Because they just can’t quit.

And such is the life of an entrepreneur. A natural born entrepreneur who knows nothing but the high of entrepreneurship.

(If you can actually quit and move on to being “normal”, you’re not an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs don’t know how to quit.)

Truth is, for people like you and me, we don’t care how much it hurts. We don’t care about the failures (thanks, Universe, for the lessons!). We don’t care who disagrees with us or doesn’t think we can do it (which is most people).

This is in our blood.

This is who we ARE.

And sure, the money is great, and it’s fun to receive it and play with it and use it for good, but money is not why we do what we do (though maybe in the beginning it seems like it is, but at the core, it’s not what really drives us) –

We do what we do because WE LOVE THE GAME.

And so if you don’t enjoy putting in the work that’s required to succeed in the game, this shit ain’t for you.

If you don’t get JOY out of the hustle, you’re never, EVER gonna make it.

Sidenote: Even those who claim that they hate the hustle, and that their business is built on flow and ease, actually hustles like a motherfucker. You really think they amassed multiple 7 or 8 figures sitting on their ass and meditating all day long? Not a damn chance. They’ve just learned how to make the hustle FEEL like flow and ease.

Either way, getting your hands dirty and bruised and sometimes bloodied, it’s all a part of the game, baby! Every true SUCCESSFUL and WEALTHY AF entrepreneur has fucked up their hands more times than they can count. 

Point is –

If you want to be successful, if you want to make more MONEY than you could even know what to do with, if you want to change the world with your work, then you’ve gotta be willing to fail, to take chances, to invest huge amounts of money and time and energy, to work your ass off, and more so than that –

You’ve gotta WANT to do all of that.

You’ve gotta LOVE doing all of that.

And if you can, well, then the world is your oyster, my friend. Eat up.