Back Yo’ Damn Self!

Back Yo’ Damn Self!

There’s nothing that has served me more in life than ensuring no matter what, no matter what I’m told or what sometimes I even FEEL inside, that I always, ALWAYS bet on me.

All of the “stupid” ideas.

All of the “far-fetched” goals and dreams.

I choose those and I choose to back myself and do whatever is required to make them happen.



And without a doubt, that will mean IGNORING THE WORLD WHILE YOU GO GET ‘EM.

The world who doesn’t get you, doesn’t trust you, doesn’t believe you, doesn’t support you. Let. Them. GOOOOO.

And turn back to yourself.

Give yourself all the damn credit for getting this far. Allow yourself to soak up the support from whoever will give it to you, but mostly, from yourself. Because in the end, no one wants for you, what YOU want for you, more than YOU.

This means, of course, that you will need to do whatever is required of you to BACK YO’ DAMN SELF.

It will require you to TRUST. Massive, massive amounts of trust.

You will spend time (so much time!)
You will spend money (so much money!)
You will spend energy (so much energy!)


I’ve had many, MANY, moments where not a single person in my life believed in me when I told them my goal. They didn’t support me. They called me crazy, selfish, and often times “delusional”. They went out of their way to NOT cheer me on. I’m sure that many of them meant well, and to be honest, I’m kind of glad they did it, because I learned to be my own cheerleader.

And being my own cheerleader led me to greater success than I ever dreamed possible.

I used to make $100K a year and thought I was rollin’ in the cash (LOL!). Even though, at the end of the day, I only ended up taking home about 10% of that, after paying all of my expenses.

So when I made $250K in ONE YEAR after making the leap and doing what I felt aligned to (this work I’m doing now!), and after deciding to go all the way in and back my damn self, after spending tens of thousands of dollars on mentors and programs and trainings, I looked at myself in the mirror and said –

“You’re a fucking badass. Now go show the people how to be one, too.”

And so here we are. Ha!

I’ve gone on to make well over a million dollars since then, helping hundreds of men & women along the way to own their badass and show up and back themselves while going after their dreams.

It’s my favorite thing ever.