6 Crazy Simple Ways To Accelerate Cash Flow

6 Crazy Simple Ways To Accelerate Cash Flow

I know - you want to make more money. You know you have great work to offer, and you’re putting in the EFFORT, too, aren’t you? But sales just aren’t going the way you want them to. And it’s frustrating, isn’t it? I know that you’re feeling frustrated. I know that you’re feeling confused. You’re not sure what you’re doing wrong and why they money just ain’t flowin’ the way everyone keeps telling you that it can. I get it. I remember the first time my mentor told me she made multiple 6-figures in just ONE WEEK in her business, at a time when I hadn’t even made that in a month yet – I was annoyed with her. I felt like she was rubbing it in my face. But I’m grateful for it (and I now know that she wasn’t doing anything but trying to help; to show me what was possible for me), because it taught me to focus on something I’d been neglecting – It taught me to focus on ACCELERATING CASH FLOW instead of just MAKING MONEY. 🤯🤯🤯 I’ve since focused a lot of my time each day on cash flow acceleration instead of just receiving cash in general and it’s EXPLODED my income in incredible ways! Here are some of the things I do to accelerate THAT CASH FLOWWWW – 1. Double Up On Sales Activities - Common sense? Maybe. But I’ll mention it anyway because you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this. If you wanna increase your cash flow, ya gotsta SELL MORE, baby! Sell more things, more often, in more...
The Results You Experience (Or Don’t) Is In Direct Correlation To The Amount Of Commitment Given

The Results You Experience (Or Don’t) Is In Direct Correlation To The Amount Of Commitment Given

Every morning my aim is to wake before the world does. 4am is my favorite time of day. The silence and the stillness ease me into my day. It is the most powerful part of my day - the time when I’m the most creative, the most in flow and in the ZONE. It’s also when I have zero distractions because everyone else is still sleeping.  I don’t always get up at at 4am, especially in the summer when I’m often in bed a lot later than usual - but this is my goal time. People who say they “don’t have time” to do the important things in the business (and life!) confuse the fuck out of me. The time is always there - you have the same amount of time as anyone else here on good ol’ Planet Earth. The only reason some people get more done and are more “successful” than you is because they learned to master their time. They made the decision to rule time instead of allowing time to rule them. One thing you will never hear me say is “I don’t have time” because there’s always enough time to do the things that are important to you. If you feel as though you’re fresh outta time, take a look at what you’re currently spending your time on - I’m willing to bet there’s a bunch of shit you’re doing that you don’t actually need to be spending time on. Let me fill you on something – You have MORE than enough time. Time to do what you want. Time to experience what you...
When You Don’t Know What To Say, And Everyone Keeps Telling You To Show Up Every Day

When You Don’t Know What To Say, And Everyone Keeps Telling You To Show Up Every Day

I think it’s pretty obvious that I post a lot. I am here every single freakin’ day saying something. I send daily emails. I write daily Facebook posts. I am on Snapchat and Instagram and Twitter almost daily, too. And there are 2 questions I am regularly asked about this activity of mine: #1: WHY??! I think the real question is “why not?”. In all honesty, though, the reason I create and show up and share every single day (usually multiple times each day) is because I simply can’t not. I have something to say, and so I have to say it. If I don’t let it out, it will consume me. And I like to be free.  In reality, the more you are visible, the more content you create, the more people hear from you – The more your business grows. The more you are remembered. The more people you are followed by. The more people you impact. The more money you make. For me, I can’t just hang out on social media every day and watch everyone else live their life. I have to live MINE too, and when I do, I share it! Mostly because I’m an egotistical show-off (no shame), but also because people ASK TO SEE IT. I’m going to ask you a serious question, okay? The people that you follow online: Why do you follow them? How do you feel when you see new content available from them, whether it’s a new program, a new freebie, or even a new, 2-sentence Facebook post? I’m willing to bet that you follow them because they...
Doing Mindset Work Fucked Me Up

Doing Mindset Work Fucked Me Up

What I’ve learned over the years around how to grow an online empire that makes multiple 6-figures each year and growing, impacting thousands around the world, is that it’s not all about strategy. Strategy is a huge part of it, of course - you’ve gotta have plans and things you put in to place to make the money floooow and also to get your name out there in a bigger way! - but mindset is also a big, huge, MASSIVE piece. The both of them must work TOGETHER to create success. You can create success from mindset alone and you can create success from strategy alone (talking about financial and visibility success in this case), but they will require A LOT of work on your end. You will constantly be glued to your phone and laptop and you will always have to be “on”. Sticking to one or the other will involve a ton of time and energy, but also a lot of stress, overwhelm, and for many people - fear. When I first started in the coaching inustry back in 2015, I focused on strategy alone. I thought that “mindset stuff is weird” so I didn’t do it for months. Eventually, once I felt like I was gonna die from how anxious, stressed out, and exhausted I felt, I figured I’d give the mindset stuff a try.. my coach had been encouraging me and telling me that it would help. So I added some mindset work into my routine (at this point it was just journaling). And it worked. It worked AMAZINGLY well. My mindset improved, I became...
Massive Wealth & Freedom: This Is How It’s Done

Massive Wealth & Freedom: This Is How It’s Done

The one thing I am reminded of time and time again as I build this here EMPIRE, is that I will be frequently misunderstood. Do you ever feel that way? That it’s almost impossible for most people to GET you and why you do what you do? The truth of the matter is this: People that aren’t like us, don’t understand people like us! We are just so VASTLY different. We’re in 2 different worlds! The life of an entrepreneur on a mission compared to the life of a “regular” person is so shockingly different that it’d be crazy to expect one to understand the other. And yet I’m still sometimes confused and slightly irritated when a “regular” person doesn’t understand me. LOL! I don’t understand non-entrepreneurs just like non-entrepreneurs don’t understand me. We’re alien to each other! And this is exactly why I don’t ever try to explain myself - just in general, really, but definitely not to people who weren’t born with that entrepreneur drive – And YES, I believe you’re BORN an entrepreneur (or not). I don’t believe you can BECOME one. You either are one or you aren’t, and this is decided before you take your first breath! It is what it is.  Anyway – One of the problems I see people experiencing quite a lot is trying to explain themselves to people who aren’t like them and not feeling understood. Their partners, their parents, their friends, moms at the school playfround… Your job is not to explain who you are. Your job is to BE who you are - and by being who you...