Become A Sales Ninja And Make More Money Than 99% Of The Population

Become A Sales Ninja And Make More Money Than 99% Of The Population

If you don’t believe in actively selling every single day, on telling people about your product or service and why they need it –

If you believe that you have more important things to do than selling –

You will not make money. Period.

Quit spending your time on activities that are not generating sales & income in your business, until you have so much money that you can then, at that point, afford to spend some of your time doing things in addition to sales (notice I said “in addition to” not “instead of”, because you should still be selling every day, even if you make incredible money).

Fuck the perfect, pretty website.

Fuck the downloading of dozens of new “freebies”.

Fuck scrolling Facebook for hours a day, comparing yourself to everyone and their dog.

Focus your time and energy on SELLING and I absolutely GUARANTEE that you will make more money in your business.

Not only should you be ACTIVELY selling each day (meaning: asking for the sale), but you also must be LEARNING about sales each day and IMPLEMENTING what you learn.

Read books.
Hire mentors. 
Go to events. 
Join programs. 
Watch/read trainings.

Learning about sales should be your full time job.

Implementing, testing, tweaking, and improving your sales strategies should be your full time job.

Actively selling should be your full time job.



Don’t like this idea? Feel it’s “too much” or unnecessary? Believe that other things are more important in your business?

Then you may as well pack up your so-called entrepreneyr bags and go work at Walmart, because you will NEVER be successful at sales, never get your valuable work into the hands of people who need it most, and never make more than a few thousand dollars per month.

Sales is a DAILY activity.

And great sales people make it an ALL DAY, EVERY DAY activity.

Want to separate yourself from the pack?

Want to make more money than 99% of the population?

Decide to sell more. And then fucking DO IT.

All day, every day, baby!