From porn to coupons to business, oh my! {What it took me to get where I am}

From porn to coupons to business, oh my! {What it took me to get where I am}

12 years ago I entered the adult industry as a “cam girl”. Every day, I would spend my time taking my clothes off for strangers, in exchange for gifts and cash.

It was unpredictable, but I found it thrilling and fun, so I did it for years, until I “upgraded” to becoming a “solo girl”, which meant I had my own website that was updated with new content almost daily.

Members paid a monthly fee to receive photos, videos, journal entries, and live webcams of myself and myself & my then boyfriend (now husband).

I made a ton of money doing this, and I also truly loved it. I live for the thrill and “porn” (if you want to call it that) is certainly thrilling.

But it did come with quite a bit of negativity. I was always brought up to believe that nudity and sex were private and not something you shared with the world, so I didn’t tell anyone what I did.

Of course, my immediate family found out and they were NOT happy. There was a lot of negativity. I learned early on that I had to trust my gut, to be who I am, regardless of who disagrees, and to do what made me happy and feel alive.

So I did. Eventually my family gave up trying to convince me I was ruining my life. I was able to live as my true self, and when I did, my business took off and soon I was featured on some of the top websites in the biz.

After a few years, I got bored of the industry and moved on to couponing (extreme couponing, to be exact!), my new love.

We weren’t broke by any means, and we didn’t NEED to use coupons, but I LOVED the thrill of getting SO MUCH for free.

I remember one day taking home 108 bottles of dish soap for under $2 total and I was on a high for days about that haul!

I would go into stores with only coupons and some change (for taxes) and walk out with carts full of groceries, household products, beauty products, and more.

Stores started to know me by name and I even started ordering items in bulk if I knew I was going to need dozens or more.

The TLC show “Extreme Couponing” asked me to participate. Twice. (Both times I said no because that show is a crock of shit and ruined couponing for everyone.)

I was in the news, in newspapers, on the radio, always talking about coupons and living a frugal lifestyle. I had one of the top Canadian frugal living websites in the country, and was making six-figures a year running it.

The adult industry taught me about making loads of money. The couponing & frugal living industry taught me about running a consistently profitable business.

Both of these businesses and experiences got me to where I am today, teaching women all over the world how to build their own empire online and take charge of their lives so they can live their passions.

One of the biggest lessons I learned from these past businesses is that there is always more to learn, always room to grow.

I learned that you can’t do it all yourself, that you need help if you want to grow quickly.

I learned that you must have the mindset of the person you want to be. You must have faith, you must have resilience, you must believe in yourself.

And you most certainly must take action and move forward every single day.

My past has made me into the person I am today. And I’m an awesome person. I love me.

It taught me how to show up in the world, truly as myself, and how to profit from that. (Yep, I make money just to show up and be ME every day.)

My past will never hold me back. It’s made me who I am. And I’m someone that always gets what she wants. Someone who is making a difference. Someone who is doing what she is called to do and living an extraordinary life that I couldn’t be living as the frugal Scrooge I once was.

I succeed in practically every business I create be I have the success blueprint that actually works. I know exactly how to show up as myself and profit from that.

I make the right investments, I spend my time on the right tasks, I work on the right projects. And I make an incredible income because of it.

I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for my past and the business knowledge I learned from it.

  • I’m now only doing work I love
  • Getting paid exceptionally well
  • Working only the hours I WANT
  • Being featured on prominent shows and podcasts
  • Working with amazing clients every day
  • Showing up and just BEING MYSELF

And now I’m off to the next step in my business, which is an industry take-over and world-wide recognition. Just watch me. 😉

I know I am cable of big things. I know I have what it takes. I believe in myself.

Do you believe in you?