I haven’t been sleeping much lately, and I just figured out why…

I haven’t been sleeping much lately, and I just figured out why…

For the last week or so, I’ve had some crazy insomnia, or what I THOUGHT was insomnia. Falling asleep was easy, but then I would wake up every few hours, without fail, and just lie there, unable to fall back asleep.

I thought it was what I was eating, so I changed my diet up a bit. Didn’t work.
I thought it was because my evening routine was chaotic, so I made it more relaxing. Didn’t work.
I thought it was because I was sleeping too much, so I tried sleeping less. Didn’t work.

It wasn’t until this morning, when I was up at 5am again, after only 4 hours of sleep, that I realized I was waking up because I was EXCITED.

Excited to start my day
Excited to work on my business
Excited to unleash my offerings
Excited to speak to my tribe
Excited to learn and implement
Excited to freakin’ UPLEVEL

When I realized that each morning all I thought about when I woke up was my clients and how I could better serve them, my offers and how I could sell more of them, my community and how I could nurture it, my business and how I could streamline it – 

When I made that realization, it was pretty damn obvious. My body is telling me it’s time to uplevel, and part of that process means sleeping less and working more. Because the work I’m doing is actually FUN and not draining, I am EXCITED about working each day. So the less sleep thing doesn’t bother me.

In fact, as much as I love the physical act of resting, I’ve always hated that I had to sleep, as I think it’s such a waste of time! 

The BOSS in me is saying “wake up, time to get to work”
The BOSS in me is saying “this is your time”
The BOSS in me is saying “you were born for this”
The BOSS in me is saying “you have great opportunities coming your way”
The BOSS in me is saying “don’t stop now”

The BOSS that I am, the BOSS that I’ve always been, is saying that if I back down now, if I back down EVER, really, then I miss my chance of creating an empire that changes the lives of millions, including my own.

So I’ve stopped rolling over and going back to sleep. I’ve stopped worrying that I’m not getting enough shut-eye. I’ve stopped trying to find excuses to stay in bed. 

When I’m up, I’m up. That’s it. Whether it’s 7am, 6am, 5am, or even 3am. When my body wakes me up and says “it’s time, let’s go”, then I GO. Because this empire isn’t going to build itself and no one’s going to build it FOR me, either.

So I get up, I follow my 6-step daily processes, I get shit done and I make things happen!

People ask me all the time why I work so much and don’t I ever want to take a break or go on vacation? And the answer is always NO! I don’t want to take a break or go on vacation. I don’t want to work less. I don’t want to take a day off. I don’t want a holiday. 


The fact of the matter is, my business is my life and my life is my business. So vacations, holidays - they are still work for me (fun work that I love, of course, but still work). I’m taking pictures, I’m sharing stories, I’m bringing you behind the scenes of my LIFE, whether I’m in my home, on the beach, or in another country. 

The biggest mistake I see people make on a daily basis is trying to sell STUFF (programs, packages, offerings, items). Because, my friend, people NEVER buy stuff, they buy the person selling them that stuff

For example: You go to Starbucks for the coffee, but you make a purchase because you love the atmosphere. You love the vibe. You love the energy. The coffee isn’t superior to most other coffee shops (in fact, it’s really quite awful, but that’s my opinion!). What’s superior is the EXPERIENCE Starbucks gives to their customers. Therefor, you’re not buying coffee, but an experience (from a PERSON).

So yes, you’re selling YOU. You’re what’s for sale. And the best way to sell yourself, is to live an amazing life that people want to replicate. Just imagine if I all I shared were pictures of me sleeping in, eating loads of shit food that made me feel like crap, stories of how bored I was all the time, videos talking about how I hate rich people, more photos of me sleeping in and watching TV all day – 

Or worse, imagine if I rarely showed up at all. Maybe a weekly picture or Facebook post each week, sharing something super lame about my business that you didn’t really care about.

Just imagine how UNINSPIRED you would be. No one would want to pay any attention to me at all, which meant that, even if I had a following, I would never be able to sell ANYTHING, to anyone. 

You have to live as if you’re already that person you’re trying to become, and then you need to share your lifestyle with the world, make them fall in love with you, and THEN you’re able to sell and make money. 

This can be challenging, feel weird, and even make you uncomfortable at times. However, on the flip side, if you don’t do it – 

If you don’t live that lifestyle and SHARE that lifestyle – 

You can’t grow your business, make amazing money, and actually fully LIVE that ideal lifestyle.

So you have to go backwards. Start from where you want to BE, and then work back to build up the foundation to actually get there.

This is how true success is built quickly and with ease. Sure, you may have to survive on minimal sleep some nights, but isn’t that worth it if you’re living the life you’ve always dreamed of?

Yeah, I thought so. 

Now really is your time. Go get it!