Money, Freedom, Security, Happiness: This Is What It Takes

Money, Freedom, Security, Happiness: This Is What It Takes

It took me 12 years until I’d finally “made it” –

Meaning, I was living an incredible life, making a lot of money, doing what I love.

12 years until I was what’s considered “successful”.

This didn’t happen overnight. It took A LOT of hard fucking work. Don’t tell me I’m lucky or I just may throat punch you.

There ain’t nothing lucky about my life or anything I’ve experienced.

It took WORK.



It took me hitting rock bottom (multiple times), so I could clearly see what I must do next.

Making my first dollar online was like pulling teeth.

Making my first thousand was the same.




PULLING TEETH. Every time.

Not because making money itself is hard (it’s actually quite simple), but because every time you’re trying to go to a new level, there is a new hurdle you must overcome.

And that hurdle is often your mind, getting used to this new version of yourself that you’re shifting into.

And of course, you showing up as this new you, and doing the damn things required to make what you want a reality.

Yep, you gotta put in time.

Blood. Sweat. Tears.

I worked my ass off to get where I am today. It did not come easy. I didn’t get anything handed to me. It was not “luck”.

It was me, getting clear on what I wanted, and then going after that every single say, with fierce determination and a fuckload of courage.

Now things FEEL easy, but when others try to do what I do, they often complain that it feels hard LOL. Yeah, it’s gonna feel hard until it becomes a habit, and until you learn to love it.

To me, the hustle is flooooow and ease and it’s a damn JOY to work hard.

But only because I love what I do, and I’ve trained myself to be disciplined in doing the work every day, regardless of how I may feel about it (sometimes I REALLY don’t feel like doing a damn thing, even though I adore what I do).

Success, then, comes down to this:

Be willing to do the work. All of the work. For how long? Until you get what you want. Or something better, of course!

You have what it takes to make all of your dreams a reality.

It doesn’t have to take 12 years like I did for me, maybe it only takes 10. Or 5! Or less, even.

That’s your call. How much are you willing to GIVE in order to realize those dreams?

How much money are you willing to invest in mentors, trainings, masterminds?

How much time are you willing to invest in learning, training and hustling?

Success requires a commitment to the hustle.

Learn to love the hustle, learn to make the hustle feel like FLOW, BABY, and it’ll be that much easier for you to show up every day and consistently grow your business and the faster you will get the results you desire.

Are you ready to commit?