Consistently Receive A Never-Ending Flow Of Money, And Change The World

Consistently Receive A Never-Ending Flow Of Money, And Change The World

It’s a mighty sad thing when you see someone with so much potential fall off the wagon, again and again and again.

When you know that they for CERTAIN have what it takes, but they just don’t ever give themselves full permission to be that person.

There are countless people that I’ve spoken to over the years who fall into the category of “badass entrepreneur”, who have what it takes inside of them to make it BIG –

But who fail to act accordingly and who, ultimately, fail.

More than half of the people I used to converse with even just a year ago, have long since disappeared. Many have went off to get a “real” job because they just couldn’t hack it as a successful entrepreneur.

Because let’s face it –

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re an entrepreneur. But just because you have the potential to do big things with your life, doesn’t mean you ever will.

You can be a successful entrepreneur, or you can be an entrepreneur who just WANTS to be a successful entrepreneur, but who never actually IS.

The difference between the two (other than the lack of success in one, of course), is that the successful entrepreneur is willing to do things that the unsuccessful entrepreneur is not.


1) Back themselves. Repeatedly. They invest in themselves financially, over and over and over again.

They hire mentors - the best of the best, too!, they hire assistants to help them get more done, faster, they hire team members that support them in growing their income.

They lay down the cold hard cash because they know the value of mentorship & support. They know that without it, they will continue to struggle for many years.

Successful entrepreneurs have mentors and a support team.

2) Are willing to let go of anything which does not serve a purpose or which is not in alignment.

Launch that is flopping and no longer feels fun? Gone. Client that is annoying AF to work for? Gone.

People in her life that aren’t supportive? Gone. Programs that used to sell but no longer do? Gone.

Anything that isn’t working anymore, is gone - fast.

Successful entrepreneurs focus only on what is working to grow the business, and quickly let go of everything that isn’t.

3) Sell. All day, every day, in every way, in every place!

Want money? Gotta ask for it! Selling is a daily activity for successful entrepreneurs who actually make money. And not just once a day, but multiple times a day - MANY times, and all over the internet! (And offline, too.)

Sales is a top daily activity. It’s done repeatedly.

Sales is studied. There is ALWAYS more to learn and there is always a new strategy to perfect.

Successful entrepreneurs are always (ALWAYS) studying sales, and testing new methods (ie. SELLING!).

4) Are willing to stand alone, and often do, when it comes to going after what they want.

Their family doesn’t “get it”.

Their friends think they’ve gone crazy.

Their partner isn’t supportive (especially when money is involved!).

And so they choose to face this path to success alone. And they do. (And in many cases, eventualy their family & friends come around!)

They don’t let the doubts or fears of others keep them small. They go after what they want, regardless of what anyone else thinks –

And this often means they’re on their own. Until they get themselves a mentor & a team, of course!


If that’s what you seek –

Can only be yours if you choose to do things differently than most.

If you choose to walk alone. If you choose to hustle your ass off (in the beginning, at least, but mostly always). If you choose to heavily invest in yourself (financially and otherwise). If you choose to learn & implement, consistently.

And if, of course –

You choose that anything less than success is unacceptable.

Whatever your definition of success, if you allow failure to be an option, you will almost always fall on that, because it’s there, and because it’s the easy way out for when things get hard.

Failure must never be an option.

It’s success or it’s death.

Are you ready to DIE? No? Then buckle up, baby! Success is gonna require you to be bold, be brave, and be relentless.

And it’s DEFINITELY gonna be a bumpy ride.

Good news, though!

Success, and all of the benefits of it, are pretty fucking awesome. And definitely worth it.