Those Who Are Willing To Risk It All For Their Dreams Are the Only Ones Who Will End Up Living ‘Em

Those Who Are Willing To Risk It All For Their Dreams Are the Only Ones Who Will End Up Living ‘Em

At what point will you finally decide that you’re sick and tired of the struggle that you seem to CONSTANTLY be enduring and make the change required to live the life you want - struggle-free?

When will you SAY YES to your soul desires?

When will you refuse to settle for a second longer and finally LEAP –

Make the decision to go ALL THE WAY in.

All the way –

This is the only way you will become wealthy AF, impactful, and living a life of incredible freedom.

You MUST go all the way in. Not part-way in, not half-way, not even 99% of the way in, but ALL THE DAMN WAY IN.

You will have to take risks (big, scary ones, that most of the people around you will warn you to not take). TRUST your gut. Risk, risk, risk, over and over again. So long that it’s an aligned risk, it will ALWAYS pay off.

There will be so many fucking roadblocks you have to leap over, and leap you must.

Because sometimes, as huge as that roadblock may seem, it’s often pretty damn small that you don’t need to jump that high. Your fear gives you a distorted view and makes it appear much bigger and scarier than it actually is.

(Though sometimes you WILL have big, huge roadblocks to jump over. Painful as they are, they’re always worth the jump. So GO!)

The real struggle isn’t “how to make money”.

The real struggle isn’t “finding paying clients”.

The real struggle isn’t “growing your audience”.

The real struggle?

Is the motherfucking reapeated LEAPS you must make, and a solid COMMITMENT to keep leaping, no matter how damn terrified or exhausted you are.

I know that it can feel easy - my days today are filled with me doing whatever the fuck I want all day long.

But that’s not because it IS.

It feels easy because the leaping? The risk-taking? The commitment? They just come naturally now. They’re a part of my hustle flow and they feel big and hard and scary for about 5 seconds and then I just leap. And I feel okay again. The easy-flow comes right on back.

Truth is –

The universe will always reward you for taking action; especially if that action is aligned risk-taking.

Those who are willing to risk it all for their dreams are the only ones who will end up living ’em.

It’s time risk it all. It’s now or never.