Dear Entrepreneur…

Dear Entrepreneur…

You will be tested more times than you can possibly imagine as you’re building your business and creating your ideal dream life. There will be many, MANY hardships you will have to endure. Many lessons you MUST learn (and so, will have to stumble and fuck up a few times to learn ’em). Quite a few sacrifices that you have no choice but to make. You will have the majority of people in your life doubting you, warning you, trying to STOP you from doing what you wanna do - and many of these people, if not all, will be those closest to you. Parents. Siblings. Spouses. Children. And if you’re strong enough, if you’re BRAVE enough, you’ll keep going, regardless. You’ll work your damn ass off for weeks, for months, for years. There will be much frustration along the way. There will be quite a lot of “what the fuck am I doing?” thoughts running through your mind, and there will also be, of course, a big ol’ handful (or two) of failures. You’ll be on top of the world one day, feeling all kinds of ambition and “I’ve got this!” and like you’re about to lose it all and living on the streets just 24 hours later. People will criticise your work - especially that which you’re most proud of. You will heard “no” from so many potential clients, you’ll eventually lose count. You’ll be broke for a long time. (Not because it’s required, but because you haven’t yet learned how to stay in wealth mode consistently, and you’re too damn stubborn to get the help you...
A Note To The Wild Ones – The Rule-Breaking Rebels That Want It All, Right Now

A Note To The Wild Ones – The Rule-Breaking Rebels That Want It All, Right Now

Something that I’ve learned over the past 14+ years of running online business and earning millions of dollars is that business/life (same/same) is so much easier when it’s done YOUR way. One of the most frustrating things about running a business – Especially a business where you, quite honestly, get paid to simply show up on Facebook and talk about WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT – Is that there will always be people who come to you, tell you that you’re doing it wrong, and can you pretty please - with a cherry on top - do it this way? You know - for YOUR benefit, of course. *eyeroll* Being “professional”? Yeah… no thanks. Wearing anything other than yoga pants (if pants are needed at all)? Not interested. Doing webinars and 3-month launches? Fuck to the NOOOOOO THANKS. All of the THINGS “they” tell you that you absolutely must do, otherwise OMG YOU’RE GONNA FAIL, is total and absolute bullshit. The only thing you really, truly need to do in order to succeed is the thing (or THINGS) that set your soul on fire. The things that make you feel most ALIVE. The things that get you all fired up and excited. The things that you happily up out of bed for every morning. THAT is the shit you need to do. You have one job - Show up every day, as you, unapologetically - and DO WHAT YOU FREAKIN’ WANT. The stuff you love. The stuff that’s easy. The stuff that makes you happy. I mean, yeah, there are things you’ve gotta do if you want the money to roll...
A Deep Immersion In Luxury And Extravagance

A Deep Immersion In Luxury And Extravagance

One of my favorite things to do, that ALWAYS gets me high-vibe and shifts my mindset into total abundance, is to watch YouTube videos where you get to peek inside a lavish home. Often these homes are $10 million or more (I watched one today that was a $40 million dollar home). This is not because I want to own a massive, lavish home that costs tens of millions of dollars. I’ve already lived in a massive home and discovered that I prefer to live in a smaller space.  I watch these videos because it SHOWS abundance. It clearly displays what’s possible. If it’s possible for someone else, I know it’s possible for me. And that makes me feel like I’m rich as FUCK. LOL! (And when you FEEL rich as fuck, you tend to attract opportunities that can MAKE YOU rich as fuck! 34 minutes after I watched this video clip, I received a payment notification for $1,200. yes, I timed it! haha) EXPAND YOUR COMFORT ZONE - show yourself what is possible, and you’ll start becoming magnetized to those things. Other things I do to expand my comfort zone – ** Fly/travel business class** Visit the business class lounge at the airport** Choose Uber Black when I need car service** Work from cafes/lounges where I know the “rich people” work 😛(favorite! the conversations you hear are so good. i always learn something)** Stay in 5-star hotels** Work from the lounge/bar in 5-star hotels** Rent homes on the beach and work/play from there** Hang out with people who make way more money than me** Join programs/masterminds/events with people who...
The Secret To Making Money That Nobody Is Talking About

The Secret To Making Money That Nobody Is Talking About

If there’s one thing I wish I’d learned sooner in life, it’s that there is a very simple way to making more money. It’s actually one of the most ridiculously simple things ever, yet most people avoid it. There is a SECRET to making more money. I say it’s a secret because NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT. But it’s going to save you so much headache & frustration, and it will, 100% of the time, increase the amount of money you receive in your business. Wanna know what it is? The SECRET to making more money is this: Stop selling to broke people! Stop trying to CONVINCE people to buy from you. If you have to convince them, they either aren’t the right fit, or they can’t afford you. Convincing doesn’t lead to sales. Convincing leads to irritation (from them and from you because they rarely ever say YES!). Stop even ALLOWING broke people to have a chance at your offers. I had a woman message me about Rich Bitch Empire yesterday, a program that is only $297 to join (with a 3 month payment plan, too!), and she asked me if I could make her a 12 month payment plan because she couldn’t afford the 3 month plan I had in place. Uh, no. Get your finances sorted first, then come back and let me know you’re ready to commit. If you can’t afford the cost of a program, or you’re not willing to put it on a credit card, or pay for it in another way, then it’s not for you. I’m not for you. I...
8 Successful Things I’ve Done In My Business (That People Told Me Were Crazy And Wouldn’t Work)

8 Successful Things I’ve Done In My Business (That People Told Me Were Crazy And Wouldn’t Work)

Isn’t it crazy how everyone around you has an opinion on what the right thing to do is, for YOU? You have an idea, excitedly tell your partner about it and they ask “are you sure that’ll work?” – You happily create something you’re proud of and show it to your best friend and they say “people won’t pay for that…” – You launch your business and tell your parents and they knock you down with a “when are you gonna get a REAL job?” – Punch to the stomach, am I right? Lots of people have lots of opinions, but they’re THEIR opinions, and in the end, their opinion is NOT valid when it comes to decisions you’re making about YOUR life/YOUR business. I’ve had a lot of doubt, criticism, and judgement thrown my way - for much of my life, actually - as soon as I identified as an entrepreneur and started acting like one. Early on, this negativity would cripple me. It would get under my skin and I’d eventually break down. It’s no wonder I had so many failed businesses! I had zero support, and zero encouragement. Once I found a sliver of success (by doing everything on my own), people would come around and congratulate me or ask me how I did it, but before then? Nope, not a chance. Total dismissal of my big goals and dreams. If you’re an entrepreneur, you probably have a similar story. Perhaps you’re lucky and have someone who did support and encourage you, but you most definitely also had people in your life who doubted you, called...